Southern Sweet Tea Company Logo

Southern Sweet Tea Company
Sweet Peach Iced Tea

Delicious Peach Of Art!
Sweet Peach Iced Tea
The Southern Sweet Tea Company peach iced tea provides a unique gourmet experience for every tea connoisseur, pampering your senses with delightful peachy flavors, a fruity and refreshing sweetness that doesn’t overpower the sublime black tea notes. A veritable work of art from our brewers!
No Funny Business
We like to keep our labels clean as a whistle, that’s why you’ll find no nasties, artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners in any of our tea beverages. We harvest only nature’s best to provide well-balanced tea beverages!
The Hit Of Every Party
Whether it’s a hot day at the beach or near the pool, a busy day at the office, a fun party or family BBQ, this peach iced tea will surely be a hit! The perfect combination of refreshing flavors makes it ideal for any occasion!
What Makes Our Sweet Peach Tea Special?
⦁ Handcrafted using hand-picked tea leaves at their freshest
⦁ No unwanted, unsafe ingredients
⦁ Small family business with high-end production technologies and processing techniques
⦁ Pure water and sugar cane
⦁ Superb peachy notes will pamper your senses.
